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CCLM is committed to cancer lifestyle management that is based on crucial published scientific studies : See the Research
Emotional Wellbeing
Depressive symptoms predict head and neck cancer survival:
Depressive symptoms were significantly related to treatment response. First study to test impact of depression on head and neck tumor response to treatment.
Optimistic, realistic, and pessimistic illness perceptions; survival among cancer survivors:
Optimistic IPs are associated with better QOL and survival, even if may appear unrealistic to cancer survivors' prognosis.
Inflammatory Biomarkers & Emotional Approach Coping in Men with Prostate Cancer:
Articles suggests stress hormones may play an important role in the progression of malignancy and thus accelerate the metastasis formation in cancer patients.
Emotions and Emotion Regulation in Breast Cancer Survivorship:
Emotional distress in cancer patients is an important outcome; however, emotional experience does not begin and end with emotion generation. Attempts to regulate emotions may lessen their potentially negative effects on physical and psychological well-being.
Chronic & episodic stress predict physical symptom bother following breast cancer diagnosis:
This study examined relationships between Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management, Disease Free Survival, and the potential bio-behavioral pathway linking these variables in breast cancer patients.
Emotional Wellbeing
Social Wellbeing
Associations of social networks with cancer mortality:
Study shows lower mortality in individuals with higher levels of perceived social support, larger social networks.
A conceptual model of social networks and mechanisms of cancer mortality:
Study discusses howsocial networks influence cancer outcomes through several downstream factors including behavioral treatment and physiological factors.
Getting by With a Little Help From Our Friends:
This review summarizes the clinical and basic science literature supporting social influences on breast cancer, and provides a conceptual physiological framework for these effects.
Social Integration, Marital Status, & Ovarian Cancer Risk:20-Year Prospective Cohort Study:
Results suggest higher OvCA risk among socially isolated and widowed women, particularly when such psychosocial stressors were experienced a decade before diagnosis or were sustained over time.
Stress and its molecular consequences in cancer progression:
This article discusses biological mechanisms by which emotional/stress management can alter related cancer outcome.
Social Wellbeing
Stress Management
Stress Management
A randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral stress management in breast cancer:
Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management was shown to impact survival in metastatic breast cancer.
Relationships among stress, emotional intelligence, cognitive intelligence, and cytokines:
Multiple associations between stress and emotional intelligence (EI), between EI and intelligence quotient (IQ), between cytokines and stress, and between cytokines and IQ.
Stress Management, Leukocyte Transcriptional Changes and Breast Cancer Recurrence:
Relationships between Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management, Disease Free Survival, and the potential bio-behavioral pathway linking these variables in breast cancer patients.
Impact of Psychosocial Stress and Stress Management on Immune Responses in Cancer Patients:
Emotional distress in cancer patients is an important outcome; however, emotional experience does not begin and end with emotion generation. Attempts to regulate emotions may lessen their potentially negative effects on physical and psychological well-being.
Chronic and episodic stress predict physical symptom bother following breast cancer diagnosis:
This study examined relationships between Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management, Disease Free Survival, and the potential bio-behavioral pathway linking these variables in breast cancer patients.
Enhanced Nutrition
Cancer Prevention and Treatment by Wholistic Nutrition:
Cancer development is primarily a nutrition-responsive disease rather than a genetic disease, with the understanding that nutrition is a comprehensive, wholistic biological effect that reflects the natural contents of nutrients and related substances in whole, intact food.
Pushing the Limits of Cancer Therapy: The Nutrient Game:
Mounting evidence has highlighted that the fine-tuning of nutrients may selectively sensitize cancer cells to conventional cancer therapies, while simultaneously protecting normal cells from their side effects.
Dietary patterns & colorectal cancer: results from a Canadian population-based study:
Meat-diet/Sugary-diet patterns increased & Plant-based diet pattern decreased the risk of colorectal cancer.
Diet components can suppress inflammation and reduce cancer risk:
Epidemiology studies indicate that diet or specific dietary components can reduce the risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Association between a pro plant-based dietary score and cancer risk in the prospective NutriNet-santé cohort:
Diverse plant products (e.g. fruits, vegetables, legumes) are associated with decreased cancer risk at several locations while red and processed meat were found to increase cancer risk.
Nutrition Enhancement
Exercise & Movement
Meta-analysis of Association of Physical Activity & Breast Cancer Mortality:
Patients who increased physical activity post diagnosis had a favorable association with all-cause mortality.
Physical activity and survival in breast cancer:
Participation in exercise after breast cancer may reduce mortality by 44%.
Effects of Physical Activity on Cancer Survival: A Systematic Review:
Studies found that individuals participating in higher levels of physical activity had a reduced risk of cancer-related mortality.
Positive Mindset
Positive Mindset
It Made Me the Person I am Today....
Reflections of Cancer Survivors and Mindset
Random controlled trial of Mindfulness-based cancer recovery
Relationship of Mindfulness, including Optimism, and Quality of Life.
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