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Upcoming Program Registration: January 2021

Staving Off Recurrence: 4-Week Intensive Program

This program is an excellent option for anyone who has been told that they have cancer, though it places a special emphasis on staving off recurrence for those who are "NED" – no evidence of disease - or those with active disease that is relatively stable.

Often when conventional treatment ends, the only “plan” that a patient is left with is to wait-and-monitor through scans. In contrast, at CCLM, we believe that if someone is told they are “NED, it is the most opportune time to get ahead of the curve especially since, very often, recurrent cancer is even more difficult to treat.

The 4-Week Program spans the realms of six specific areas: emotional wellbeing, social connection, the body’s stress response system, nutritional intake, physical activity, and positive cognitions. Like all CCLM programming, the 4-Week Intensive aims to create for you a customized lifestyle regimen geared toward optimizing your body’s wellness and making it less hospitable to cancer cell growth. It also seeks to deepen your knowledge of how and why lifestyle management can support better cancer outcomes so that you can feel informed and confident with regard to making decisions about your health. And, as always, it's shaped by research published in mainstream journals.

Possibly interested? Then get in touch with us:

We will be happy to answer any questions and discuss which of our programs are right for you.

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